According to a story at, sending out a press release via a paid distribution service is all well and good, but what you also need is a permanent online press area where all releases are posted – preferably at the same time as the release is distributed.
Ideally this press area will be on your website and offer a simple link from the homepage as well as a logical URL, i.e.,
By setting up an online press area, you are ensuring that reporters have a place to go to find the news on your site as soon as they hear any kind of rumor or murmur, as well as offering an online archive of data about your company that can easily be referenced.
All you need to do is list the press releases in date order with a click through option to see the entire release. If you send out a lot of press releases then archiving older ones in month-based folders is the logical approach.
After all, it’s much better a reporter gets relevant data via your site, rather than get it wrong because they were short on time and relied on WikipediaWikipedia.
It’s also important to offer a distinct method of contact for press and bloggers for two reasons.
The first is a bit of an ego trip for your company, making you look big enough to need such a channel (which no doubt one day it will, even if you’re not quite there yet), and the second is so that email inquiries from journalists don’t get lost in the noise and can be easily identified for a prompt response, even if they do just go into the general inbox.
Photo by photofunia.