photo credit: Crystl
Those of you who operate an online business or often comment on other online businesses are sure to find this post very useful and important as we will be going over the crucial ingredients of a great online comment. Remember that once you hit that “post” button there is no going back, so if your comment is not exactly up to par this will reflect back on you!
A heaping tablespoon of clear and grammatical expression. Okay, I’m a professor, but when I see spelling and grammatical mistakes – even online – I discount the rest of the message. This is not entirely fair to non-native speakers of English, so I sometimes discount this factor a bit for exotic-sounding names. Posted on Harvard Business Review.
Throw in a pinch of humor from time to time, you want to keep things light rather than tense and serious. You don’t want to make people uncomfortable when they read your comments.
And last but not least always remember a little bit of structure. You don’t want your comment to be made up of unreasonable words that are just thrown out there in any manner without some sort of structure behind them, in order for readers to better understand. Structure your comment around something like a list, a single comment within the original post and so on.