Daughters Follow In Mom’s Footsteps

Maggie Teed was a rebel when she was young so her parents sent her off to boarding school. After that she got married and had seven children. However, the marriage ended in divorce and left Maggie to be a single mother. Struggling to get by, she had a moment of inspiration. Deciding to try out the real estate market, Maggie jumped right in and succeeded reports New Canaan.

She started in a small company, moved to a larger agency and finally decided to open her own business, Real Estate Marketing Group, in Norwalk. Today, Maggie is as busy as ever and has a very loyal clientele. “People will call and tell me they want to move, then they ask me to sell the house I sold them 20 years ago,” she said, adding that the market in Norwalk is slow at the moment. Her advice to sellers is “Don’t sell if you don’t have to. Sit tight!”

Kelly and Sheila Teed, Maggie’s two daughters, have recently joined her in the family business. Sheila has an administrative role, while Kelly has built up her own clientele. Kelly seems slightly surprised to be working with her mom. “I used to think I would never, ever do this, but after my recruiting and staffing business dried up after 9/11, I decided to get my real estate license,” Kelly said. Her first day in the office is etched forever in her memory as she sold a house that same day. “It turns out that I absolutely love this business. I love meeting people and I love helping them find the right house,” she added.

Photo by Peter Alfred Hess

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