The Young Entrepreneur Council, an advocacy group that works to overcome youth unemployment by teaching young people how to build successful companies got together to answer this question. The council’s members include Generation Y entrepreneurs and experts in a variety of fields.
Aaron Patzer, founder of
Hire an expert.If you’re sure that what you’re doing is useful, reporters whose job it is to serve that audience will agree. And if you can afford to, hire an agency or other counsel.Dan Schawbel, co-founder of Millenial Branding LLC:
Build a personal brand. As the entrepreneur, you have to build your own personal brand to become sought after by the media. Become an expert on a topic related to your business and start a blog. This will help you to be found by the media, and when you’re interviewed for a story, you can mention your company.Ryan Paugh, co-founder of Brazen Careerist:
Tell a story. Product announcements are boring 99% of the time. Tell a story instead. What does this new product tell us about human behavior? Back it up with quantifiable evidence whenever possible.Shama Kabani, founder of The Marketing Zen Group:
Tie your story into current events. The best way to get quick press attention is to tie your service into current events. Look at the headlines. What is relevant today? Look at what season it is.
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