Baggy pants are a fad that, well, not everyone enjoys. While many people have hoped that the fad would die out, Andrew Lewis invented a product based on it instead. According to the NY Daily News, his invention, called Subs, is a type of suspenders that will keep baggy pants from falling too far down.
[He] said he came up with the idea after watching men in drooping trousers struggle to keep them up as they climbed the steps at the 145th St. subway station.
“Sagging is a huge issue in my community,” he said. “I spent a lot of time observing and I noticed that even for saggers, there is a point which even they’re not comfortable with how their jeans were falling.”
said he came up with the idea after watching men in drooping trousers struggle to keep them up as they climbed the steps at the 145th St. subway station.
“Sagging is a huge issue in my community,” he said. “I spent a lot of time observing and I noticed that even for saggers, there is a point which even they’re not comfortable with how their jeans were falling.”
Images from Hatch Ventures