If being a parent wasn’t hard enough, working a job that requires long hours and little flexibility can be very frustrating. The Huffington Post has gathered together a list of 100 jobs that are mom-friendly. Here are five jobs that I feel could also double as a flexible business opportunity for the right mompreneur.
Interior Design
If you have a way with frames, fabric and fabulousness, working for yourself as an interior designer is a great way to take control of your time while making the world (or at least wealthy people’s homes) a more beautiful place.
Life Coaching
People change careers, spouses and zip codes like they change their underwear these days. Be the grounded guide for those confused souls and make a pretty penny while doing so.
Open a Daycare
Assuming your child is the right age for day care, this is one of those jobs where you can get paid to take care of your child (okay, and several others) all day. Patience is a must, but as a mom, you already know that.
Weddings, bar mitzvahs, pet birthdays — these are all things you can capture on film and make memories for your clients, and cash money for you.
Sell on Etsy
Now is your chance to market your wall hangings, t-shirt dresses, artsy photographs or bookshelves (see above) and actually make some cash. The one-of-a-kind market is yours to dominate.
Photo from Christopher Barson