Pink Tools A Woman’s Renovation Best Friend

Kamloops The Daily News:

There is no missing Janette Bagabuyo’s tools and that’s exactly how she likes it.

They are pink. Bright pink. But more importantly, they are made for her hands, which means they are smaller and lighter and balanced differently.

Back to the colour. Did they need to be pink? No, she concedes, but there is an upside.

“We always know which tools are ours,” she said.

The Dufferin accountant, mother and home renovator — she has extensively remodelled her own home — is also the local representative for Tomboy Tools, tools specifically designed for women.

Bagabuyo said she loves her tools. The differences in weight, size and balance make a variety of jobs around the house easier, she said.

She showed the hammer as an example. It has a slimmer handle, a slightly lighter head and more of the weight is balanced toward the head.

The minor variations form a traditional men’s hammer are slight, but significant. The slimmer handle is easier for female hands to hold and the weight-forward design makes it easier to swing with accuracy and power, she said.

Logo from Tomboy Tools

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