Polish Pizzas? In Britain?

Polish pizzerias conquer the British market, job migration to Germany will not be an exodus and late Pope John Paul II a cheerful but strong willed man.


In search for business abroad Poles tend to look for promoting home brands, writes Dziennik Gazeta Prawna adding that this year will see the launch of 150 small businesses based on Polish concept.

The paper underlines that Polish pizzerias have become a hit abroad, which is attributed to the fact that chains with Italian cuisine are lacking on the British Isles. The Polish Pizzeria K2 has already four restaurants in Germany and several ,more are to open soon. Dziennik adds that apart from pizza, Poles want to promote also pancakes in the UK and are not deterred even by the huge investment costs. One of the chains offering pancakes will probably open its branch in the US.

The daily notes that not only Polish gastronomic services plan to conquer world markets. Polish furniture and clothing companies plan a chain of franchising and a Polish chain of low cost grocery stores is to make its debut on the British market soon. Read more.

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