Parties hosted by housewives during the 1950s and 1960s across the world to sell their products were the early forms of social networking before Facebook and Twitter, claims Tupperware company.
“Facebook represents the same type of social get-together with like-minded friends as a Tupperware party, except that it’s not in someone’s actual home, but a virtual host-home instead,” the Daily Mail quoted Roben Allong, market research consultant at brand consultancy and trend forecasters Reality Check Inc. as saying.
Earl S. Tupper, a former landscape gardener from New Hampshire, who was forced out of business during the Great Depression of the 1930s and took a job with the DuPont Chemical Company, founded Tupperware Brands.
In 1946, he patented the famous ‘burping seal’, the means of keeping containers airtight that was for decades the most famous aspect of the Tupperware brand.
The company’s success exploded in the 1950s thanks to its army of self-employed female hosts, who sold the products directly to their friends and neighbors through parties or ‘jubilees’.
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