People once said it was better to work smarter, not harder. During difficult times, many entrepreneurs have decided to put their health on the back burner instead, according to NBC Los Angeles.
A new study by Manta, an online community for small businesses, says nearly half of small business owners surveyed admit to putting work before health. Most say they work well over 40 hours a week. They also say they are short-tempered and that they’ve gained weight.
It’s not surprising, said NBC4 Medical Editor Dr. Bruce Hensel.
“When you’re under stress, and are working a lot of hours, you’re not sleeping as well and you tend to chose foods that are not healthy,” says Dr. Hensel. “You choose fast food, you don’t digest it as well, your hormonal balance changes, and you’re at risk of heart attack, stroke and other problems.â€
Dr. Hensel advises his stressed out patients to plan ahead. He says busy people need to schedule exercise and routine medical tests as part of their week.
Photo by Mike Licht