According to The Washington Post, social marketing recently saw a change in the way businesses should market themselves, especially with the addition of Google+ Brand pages.
These pages are incredibly important for a number of reasons. First, it has become increasingly evident that such pages will impact a site’s search engine optimization efforts. That is to say that, when users are logged in, the brands that they follow on Google + will likely show up higher in the search engine results they receive.
This allows small businesses to compete with the big guys, as they can attract and maintain a loyal following on Google + and forever alter the way their sites rank when their followers are signed into Google +.
Further, Google + Brand pages provide an important platform for deeper engagement — and small businesses need this to rise above the competition. +Hangouts allow businesses — from the companies’ creative minds to their CEOs — to hold video conferences with customers, potential customers and others. This way, Google + provides an opportunity for high- level transparency and engagement, and, when used correctly, can mean the difference between success as a small business and lackluster sales and customer appreciation in an economy that already leaves us smaller companies at a slight disadvantage.
How are you using Google+ to promote your business?