It was a topsy-turvy year for the U.S. stock market – one in which a longtime fast-food institution took one of the top spots and one of America’s most trusted banks began to sputter and fall.
“I’m lovin’ it” was the advertising catch-phrase, and line muttered by investors of the fast-food institution McDonald’s in 2011. The fast food giant was the best performer on the Dow Jones industrial average in 2011, up 31 percent. The burger magnate even beat out Warren Buffett’s newest favorite, IBM, which placed second among the blue chip winners.
At the low end of the totem pole, Bank of America suffered a 59 percent plunge to lows not seen since 2009. However, that slump gave it an easy win over Alcoa, whose shares lost 44 percent, in the competition for dubious distinction of “biggest loser.” More.