Usborne Books & More Usborne Books & More is really a mom-marketed company and is perfect for moms with young children. The unique part about it is that you can really incorporate your kids into the company. You’re selling books, so many reps have success partnering with- schools, libraries, book fairs, booth events, reading incentives, and grant programs. When you hold a sales event, it’s really a party geared towards kids and includes activities. If you’re a new mom and don’t want to have to leave your young children at home, or can’t afford babysitters but would like to make some extra cash, it’s a great way to do that. You can get a mini kit to start selling books for $64 and a full kit is just $150. If you start with the mini kit which has fewer samples, it’s okay because you’ll have a catalogue available to you from which people can order additional titles. Usborne consultants earn 25 percent commission from home shows, with the opportunity to earn exponentially more as you build your business, as well as potentially earning incentives, contest prizes and trips.