The sour economy has taken its toll on most companies and their employees. Still, entrepreneurial ingenuity and following through on a simply good idea is one of the best ways for individuals to break out on their own to avoid budgetary woes presently faced by many large companies.
According to The Press Democrat, Lynda and Tony Pinochi had one of those great ideas and discovered a precious niche in the business world with their company, Tru-Scan Mobile Fingerprint Services.
Fingerprinting isn’t anything new, of course, but when Tony Pinochi had to make the long drive over to Sacramento one day to have his fingers printed, he thought, wouldn’t it be nice if fingerprinting services came to people instead of the other way around.
Lynda said. “I love what we’re doing because it’s always for positive changes in people’s lives. When they need our services, it’s because they are transitioning into new opportunities; new jobs.” She lists various clients who require fingerprinting to start their work, everything from pre-school to elder-care.
Photos by The Press Democrat.