WNYC has up a conversation with serial entrepreneur and creator of the Flip video camera, Jonathan Kaplan, on his next business venture: grilled cheese sandwhiches!
“Grilled cheese makes people happy, and when I created the Flip I wanted to really think about a way to change the way people captured and shared video, a way for people to feel empowered and make memories,” he says. “And there’s a lot of nostalgia, there’s a lot of memories and there’s a lot of happiness in the very simple grilled cheese and soup.”
Kaplan went out to the Mall of America about 10 years ago, to talk to “everyday Americans” about what kind of food makes them happy.
“Grilled cheese is one of these food items that people talk about with emotional connection,” he says. “[The] reaction was pretty much the same: People love grilled cheese.”
Photo by ellenm1.