Don’t Build an Ugly Website

Ugly Website

If you have ever stumbled onto a website with poor design, you may have felt uncomfortable, or even frustrated, trying to navigate the site. A busy home page, or one that won’t even load, are reason enough to return to the search engine for a different website. Don’t be one of those frustrating websites. With simplicity as a core mission, a clever web design team can easily create a brand for a successful website everyday.

Icons Everywhere

Web designers know that social media is the newest and most innovative way to get a business’s name out in the industry. From “sharing” and “likes,” your business can have hundreds or thousands of followers with the strategic placement of social media icons, including Twitter and LinkedIn. However, all of these linked icons slow your landing page down significantly. If a customer cannot load the page within a reasonable amount of time, for example, they simply switch to a different website. A savvy design team integrates a few of these icons for social media sharing, but not every address on the Internet. You’ll see your website visits grow with free advertising through constructive tweets and comments.

Blind Them With Color

The entire rainbow is not necessary on each landing page. If you have a brand color scheme, such as maroon, gold and white, communicate this with your design team. They can make these colors the bold selections on the pages, making them look elegant and functional at the same time. A poor page design, such as a black background with hot pink text, is difficult to focus on, forcing clients to browse on other websites. Keep your clients eyes glued to your calming color scheme as they point and click on different products.

Easy Navigation

Design teams usually understand the human mind, placing themselves in visitors’ shoes. When a visitor lands on the home page, all of the headers should be easily read. Fancy fonts with elaborate cursive makes it hard to navigate the page. Short header titles, with less than a dozen selections, makes it easier for each client to find what they need quickly. Maintain a neat and professional website to keep people coming back for more.

Designing a stellar website takes insight into a specific industry and human psychology. Work closely with the design team to help them understand your brand and vision. A clear logo and catch phrase may be the only motivation necessary to get the team into gear for an outstanding website.

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