The Art of Using Special Offers in Business


It doesn’t take a business guru to notice that a large portion of company earnings are made during the sales periods. A floundering stationery company may thrive during the school holidays as parents prepare their kids for the next semester and similarly a modest bakery will experience a profit wave around the mini ‘food holidays’ such as Easter and Halloween. For some savvy companies, however, every week can mean a high sale period thanks to a few clever marketing tricks. Here are some ways to be creative when introducing special offers to clients.

Prompt consumers to take action

All of us are familiar with the sumptuous, irresistible words ‘offer ends midnight’, and while this is mainly associated with retail goods, this can apply – albeit in a more subtle sense – to most industries. Whether introducing one-time deals or an unlimited guarantee and promise in business, the trick is to make clients realise that they will greatly benefit from taking action now at this very moment.

Every industry from waste management firms to IT solution companies will experience a good balance of demand throughout the year but they can acquire new customers in the interim with the aid of ‘limited time only’ deals, free trials to new customers and private sales and special offers sent via email or newsletter to current clients.

Create themed weekdays

As aforementioned, many retailers often have successful midweek sales that are often sold with taglines such as ‘Beat the Monday blues’ or ‘Let the weekend begin!’ prompting consumers on social network pages to browse products on the online store in their lunch break. Creating a theme similar to this is an effective way to maintain interest and even secure a new wave of consumers.

Sales can be just as easily achieved by intriguing consumers in an indirect way too. Retailers from the gaming industry to the fashion and beauty sector will often run weekly themes on their corresponding social networking pages. For instance, displaying a ‘gamer/style of the week’ feature will invite curious users to click on the provided link, sending them inevitably to a page on the company website where other offers and products may be displayed.

Customers old and new always appreciate being rewarded for their loyalty and interest in a service and fortunately, there are many more ways besides introducing special offers to ensure clients continue to return. The ingenious salon management software by Phorest combines the power of social networking with the latest technology to allow companies in the salon industry to thrive – helping businesses large and small to expand their cash flow while giving something back to the customer thanks to a whole host of fantastic marketing tools.

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