While corporate giants have constantly worked towards strengthening their bottom-line for re-energizing their brand value—the midsized firms can adopt a string of effective strategies to script similar kind of success as well. Catherine Ostheimer, Director, Marketing Communications for GE Capital Americas, opines:
“Brand is really everything you do. It’s not just your advertising, your brand name or the press release. It’s the experience you create over time.â€
So, what exactly do you gather as a budding success package? Your brand is actually who You Are…. Well almost. The ground rules for marketing are rapidly progressing. Take, Social Media for example! With the platform growing from strength to strength as a potent factor influencing the success of your brand, you can hardly afford a seemingly glorifying detachment from your users. You are constantly required to be in touch with your audience. Creation of a more personalized experience is key. Viewers are more inclined to accept brands, offered with a “human touchâ€. Gone are the days of “secretive but omniscient creators.†You might as well hire financial services marketing** (like media group and thefinancialbrand.com) or any other marketing agency to take care of your online visibility (including Social Media) requirements, but you can hardly rule out the need for additional personal engagement in order to succeed. There are entrepreneurs who have dedicated years to build their own visibility on the Social Media platforms before introducing their brands to viewers. Here is what you need to know more about result-oriented branding strategies.
What’s Your Core Proposition?
Working on your core proposition remains one of the crucial aspects influencing brand success. How is your offering going to change people’s life? How well is the brand personality relatable to the audience? Conducting brand audit can aid you in establishing or rediscovering the brand traits and what it stands for the local and international stakeholders. Your brand identity becomes real powerful when it’s in alignment with the demands of the audience. In short, your core proposition should be able to make you stand out from your competitors.
Help your audience think differently before they start doing so on their own
Help your audience to reevaluate their needs and tastes. Do not wait for them to reinvent themselves and reassess their requirements. Come up with tactical innovations so that they are compelled to revise their own preferences. Aim for a brand refresh every year. Your audience love surprises- they cherish effective unpredictability. Give them what they want. A crucial way to bring your innovations to the fore would be to engage your entire team in the process. Encourage your employees to pour out ideas. Brand enhancement should not just be the concern of just two or three heads in the company. It should be everyone’s prerogative.
Work on your logo in a consistent manner. Adopt a very practical approach towards its maintenance or possible changes. You might as well think of getting a new one after every two year. However, in that case, make sure that you’re backing up your decision with informative marketing tactics, which at least help your audience know that it’s your logo. Make sure that everyone in your team knows how the brand name and logo are to be consistently maintained in all documents.