Be in Control: Making the Most of Cloud Erp

The Cloud

Internet-based businesses are growing, which means competition is also increasing. Advances in cloud-based technology mean that it is no longer necessary to invest in fast, powerful computers or expensive suites of different types of software in order to streamline existing business operations and introduce new ones. Instead, even smaller businesses are finding that enterprise resource planning (ERP) is faster, easier and virtually trouble-free with the help of cloud-based online tools. Here are a few examples of how business projects can be managed and supported using cloud technology.

ERP solutions

Employing ERP systems that can be customized according to specific types of business or industry, it is now possible to use real-time intelligence from an ERP system that will take account of the particular people and internal processes that make every online business unique. Improved decision making and enhanced flexibility make such solutions a great way to position a business for success.

Enterprise resource planning tools from Deltek, for example, easily connect with existing systems, scale and technology and offer long-term value as the business expands or ventures into new areas of online operation. Built with a core focus on projects, ERP systems are fully capable of dealing with multi-company and multi-currency issues, helping to increase business profitability.

Cloud Cover

Businesses that are venturing into cloud technology for the first time will find that this is indeed a viable alternative to servers and infrastructure on the premises. Cloud systems use software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications. A fully hosted model can deliver servers, maintenance and upgrades, saving online business owners time and money. As businesses change, so their IT system requirements need to change alongside them. Deltek First Cloud ERP software is an ideal product for internet-based businesses that sell time and services, as being in control of resources and managing them efficiently is the key to success. First Cloud is software that encompasses project accounting, managing information and all business processes; it gathers together all relevant and connected information in one place.

Some of the issues First Cloud addresses are only too familiar to growing businesses – for example, data gathering that is time consuming, and therefore expensive. Then there is lack of control over work-in-progress or difficulties in properly assessing and staffing projects, or variable effectiveness that produces inconsistent results. All these problems can cause a business a lot of headaches such as cash flow problems and reduced project margins. Financial results may be unclear as well as the status of resources and projects; client opportunities may be lost as a result.

Long Range Forecast

Research has shown that besides saving money, using cloud ERP has a number of distinct advantages for business owners. These include improved collaboration between employees who are able to work together more effectively to achieve a goal. Efficiency is also enhanced because, wherever they are, personnel can gain access to fast, efficient software (including via mobile devices), and this means they are kept up to speed with vital customer information and productivity is improved. Cloud technology is undoubtedly here to stay and is already being adopted by shrewd, well-informed businesses that are looking to the future.

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