Ever spend time away from someone you care about? The Pillow Talk pillow, invented by Joanna Montgomery, hopes to help loved ones separated by distance still feel a connection when bedtime comes, reports Scotsman News.
Pillow Talk … aims to connect couples in long distance relationships through sensor rings worn in bed at night and a panel which slots inside their pillow cases. The sensors pick up heartbeats and wirelessly transmit them via smartphone applications on a mobile phone to the other person’s pillow. Joanna, herself in a long distance relationship, came up with the idea as part of her final year degree project at Dundee University in 2010. The Digital Interaction Design graduate said: “Each person has a sensor ring, that they wear to bed, and a fabric panel which goes inside their pillow case. “The sensor picks up your heartbeat and wirelessly transmits it to the other person’s pillow via bluetooth on your mobile phone, so when you put your head on your own pillow, you hear your partner’s heart beating.” The fabric panel contains two small flat speakers and a rechargeable battery, and lights up when the other person’s head touches their pillow. Photo by anna carol