MBA Finance: One Postgraduate Option That Doesn’t Disappoint

Students are labelled and criticised for a whole host of different things – many that go beyond the scope of this article. We’re not going to chastise them for their extravagant social lives, or comment on the huge holiday breaks – but concentrate on one area which draws milder attention. Something that many are guilty of is just not having a clue what to do once they graduate. For whatever reason jumping into the same job that their degree dictates is no longer an option, and it’s usually at this stage where many start to consider delving further into education.

Of course, this is a slippery slope. Make another bad choice and it’s more money down the drain, and potential employers can smell the desperation a mile off. Fortunately, venturing down the education route can be a very worthwhile option. There are certain paths that can be flexible, lucrative, and pave the way for a successful career. As the title of this post may have highlighted, we believe that MBA finance is one of these options. We’ll now take a look at several reasons why this is the case – and why this could be a solution for you if you are in two minds about which direction you are going to take.

Employment Opportunities

We made a big point of highlighting the pitfalls of certain postgraduate choices at the start of this article. Some are utterly pointless, and will just plunge you further into debt. An MBA in business finance on the other hand goes against the grain and actually widens the amount of employment opportunities that are open to you. Covering anything from corporate finance, to human resource management to marketing – these are all subjects which relate to specialist jobs. As such, your choices immediately open up.

A Widened Skillset

The previous benefit links directly to this next one – an MBA in business finance provides you with skills which would just be unobtainable in any other discipline. As well as the varied subjects that are covered, it’s worth mentioning that most courses include a range of assessment opportunities. It’s not uncommon for role play to be requested one week, while students might be placed in an internship at a later stage during the year. Ultimately, one’s skillset widens and again we come closer to that employment goal we keep talking about.

Bottom Dollar

Let’s not beat around the bush here, it’s nice to have plenty of employment opportunities – but all of that’s for nothing if they pay peanuts. Fortunately, an MBA in business finance certainly doesn’t lead to poor paying jobs. Management, corporate finance, marketing and all of the other topics covered pay big bucks – and make those two years a superb investment for anyone who is unsure of taking the plunge and continuing their time in higher education. We won’t quote exact figures – but it’s rare to find anyone at the centre of a corporate organisation earning poor money, isn’t it?

Bio: James Daniel is a creative, imaginative and passionate professional. After gaining an MBA in business finance, his path has led him to his current role as a senior business strategist, making him a respected voice in the business community he serves. In addition he is also an accomplished blogger/author and regular contributor to a number of business publications.

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