The Price of Beauty: and the Profit

Stocks and shares rise and fall, businesses soar and fail, and entrepreneurs ride high and plummet gracelessly. The business world is much the same as ever – but it’s looking a hell of a lot more beautiful.

Indeed, the beauty industry has got its teeth into profits, with forecasts predicting a global worth of $273 billion by 2017.

And, if you’ve got the head for it, it’s a billion-dollar pie you could take a chunk from.

With that in mind, what beauty businesses could you start up?

Beautifying lasers

You might associate lasers with tense face-offs between Bond and Blofeld, but they’re about a lot more than weird weaponry for maniacal villains.

Laser hair removal has been a hot trend in the world of non-invasive surgery, but surgeries are still few and far between, allowing you to corner the market without competition biting at your heels.

To be in with a chance to enter the laser hair removal biz, you’ll need to be licensed by a fully accredited course. Then, it’s time to create a warm, welcoming environment that will beckon customers inside with a smile.

Nails of perfection

Some are hard as nails, some hammer nails – but some are making tons of cash painting nails.

Take a periphery look at your local high street and you’ll see a load of nail salons waiting to make your cuticles dazzle.

But the best offer more than a spit and polish. In a top-notch salon, you’ll be presented with a variety of colours, coatings and nail length, all with a smile and heaps of advice.

However, the sheer frequency of nail specialists could be a disadvantage to opening a new firm. That old maxim of “too many cooks spoil the broth” applies to business more than anything else.  

Hair today, profit tomorrow

Beard oils, crewcuts and follicle rejuvenation – the list of miracle treatments, expert coiffuring and uber-complex highlights is almost endless in the haircare profession.

Again, you’ll see a barber or hairdresser on every high street, but the variation and price can fluctuate wildly from one shop to the other.

You’ve got the low-rent, low price trimmers, who’ll give you a skinhead or nothing. Then you’ve got the highbrow coiffeurs, who’ll give you the type of cut that Stephen Hawking would struggle to comprehend.

If you’re hoping to be a premium, VIP cutter then you’ve got to earn your keep.

Keep abreast of the latest styles of barnet, know how to deal with awkward or highly specific requests and stock the finest in follicle replenishing potions and lotions. And be sure you’re flush with beverages and snacks for anyone waiting for snacks.

The perfect business, whether it’s laser-happy or trim-central, centres itself on the customer. Do just that and you’ll be rolling in dough.

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