As kids, brothers Shaun and Gary Tuch took apart their toys to find out how things worked, they shot off rockets and got their hands dirty. But they just never connected with science in the classroom. Too many lectures, too many textbooks; it was boring.
Years later, they founded Professor Egghead Science Academy with one goal in mind: to make science cool for kids. They created a company that offers educational classes they would have enjoyed as kids.
We recently spoke with company co-founder Gary Tuch about this unique and innovate franchise. Learn what new trend really excites him, where he sees the franchise in the next five years and what he looks for in potential franchisees.
What’s special about the Professor Egghead Science Academy franchise?
We offer a for-profit business opportunity that offers a great solution to a real problem. Not many business owners have the opportunity to be a positive impact on their community while building financial success. On top of that, we have dramatically cut startup costs by being a completely mobile franchise that allows franchisees to start from home — rather than build out a storefront. In fact, AMEX has featured our business model and proclaimed it “revolutionary”!
What is the idea behind the franchise?
Professor Egghead Science Academy provides cool science and engineering programs for children ages 4-10. Our mission is to: Make science accessible, understandable and cool.
What do you look for in a potential franchisee?
We are seeking passionate individuals that not only want to be their own boss, but also see the problem our service hopes to fix.
Where do you see the Professor Egghead Science Academy franchise in five years?
We are a young franchise and have been extremely happy with the attention we have been receiving, nationally and internationally. Our goal is global domination — every child deserves to be an Egghead!
What’s your background?
I am an entrepreneur more than anything else. Armed with years of experience developing small- to medium-size businesses, I have found a passion in helping franchisees make the leap from being employees to employers.
What motivates you to keep going?
I believe there is a problem that Professor Egghead Science Academy provides a solution for. We have developed our franchise over many years, tested it on the local level, seen the benefits it provides to the community and we are very excited to see the impact globally.
If you were to start again, what would you do differently?
We would most likely have franchised sooner. Our business has been running successfully for several years, with the kinks all ironed out.
Please tell us your secret to success…
I think that everyone should have a to-do list with them at all times. If you don’t have a to-do list, you have nothing to do and if you have nothing to do, you can’t accomplish anything.
What is one trend that really excites you?
There is a huge push for STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) programs. The lack of quality STEM programing has lead to a serious decline in the number of young adults enrolling in secondary education programs for science. This has lead to a decline in the available job force in the US along with an increase in these types of jobs overseas. The realization that there is problem has allowed for our company to grow rapidly.
What are your three favorite online tools or resources and what do you love about them?
We have created our own cloud-based management software that makes running our daily business easy — since I use that every day, I would say it was my favorite tool.
Do you (or did you ever) have a mentor?
Throughout our growth we have been fortunate to work closely with several successful business and franchise mentors. Their advice along with their positive reviews for our company has given us tremendous motivation.
Any final words for aspiring entrepreneurs?
Whether starting a franchise or developing your own company, just remember that the hurdles along the way are designed to make your business stronger and more successful. Many can see the hurdles as a reason to give up, but if you see it as a test – you will be successful.
Where can people get more information on Professor Egghead Science Academy franchise opportunities?
Visit the website here.
Where can people find Professor Egghead Science Academy on social media?