How Can I Sell My House and Move My Home Business?
Selling your home can be a time-consuming and stressful endeavour, one that’s only intensified when you’re running your own business on the side. If you work from home then it can become even more complicated, as open-home viewings and other tasks will start to interfere with your working life. If you’re wondering how you can sell your house and move your home business, then Andrews & Partners can help, though there are some things you can do to quicken the process.
Get It in Top Condition
As with selling any house, to increase your chance of selling quickly you need to get it looking great. You need to get it in the best condition possible. Tidying up, vacuuming, making repairs, and even repainting where necessary can increase the value of your home while also making it much more appealing to potential buyers. On the other hand, you can sell it to a real estate investor like Your Trusted Home Buyer if you don’t have time to make repairs or renovations.
First impressions really do count, so ensure your garden and the front of the house are looking their best. There are many other simple tips for increasing the saleability of your home.
Target Specific Buyers
If your property is already set up to work well for running a home business—perhaps with an office and even office furniture in place if you’re leaving it—then target buyers who are looking for this. On the other hand, put away as much as you can of your work materials to make your home look tidier.
Alternatively, if your property is ideal as a family home, consider redecorating it or adding in furniture such as a cot and more for appearances, giving a good idea for potential buyers of how it might look.
Improve Your Time Management
Running a business while trying to sell your home will take a lot of work. It is important that you do not place more emphasis on one rather than the other.
Arrange house viewings around your working day, ideally allowing you to work in the morning and deal with the sale in the afternoons, or vice versa. Aside from viewings you will need to arrange meetings with letting agents, solicitors and the bank. And that doesn’t even take into account the work of packing and actually moving when the time comes.
There’s no doubt about it. You’re going to have double down on your workload if you want to sell your home and move your home business, especially if you want to continue being a successful business owner.
Transfer Records and Details
You may be closing your home business, either to retire, move abroad or go and work elsewhere. In order to avoid future problems, ensure you legally close your business so that the new homeowners do not get constant mail and have to deal with enquiries about your old company.
If you are moving your home business with you when selling, be sure to transfer all records and details along with you.