Email validation could make the money your business spends for email marketing far more effective.
If your business is like most, you spend huge chunks of your advertising budget to manage the costs of email design, campaign creation, tracking, reporting and analysis.
You do that because you know that email marketing works. With email, you are reaching right into the inboxes of your customers and potential customers. So you know that it’s important to do it right. You want to get your money’s worth, after all.
However, many times your promotional emails wind up in people’s spam filters, and you end up spending a good bit of that money in vain.
So if your business sends regular emails to long lists of subscribers, take a look at validating your subscriber lists to make those emails more effective. That’s because more robust email campaigns can mean more sales for your business.
Email Validation
Email validation works by filtering email lists to ensure that the addresses you’re sending to are valid, active and not associated with spam. Further, an email verifier can tell you if your subscribers are opening your emails.
There are plenty of email validation services around. But ZeroBounce goes further than most by identifying toxic domains, adverse accounts, spam traps and more. What’s more, it will provide you with precise details about your subscribers.
ZeroBounce Features
Following is a list of the specific features offered by the ZeroBounce email verifier:
Catch-All-Domains Algorithm
Some domains forge email addresses. Because they do this, an email address can appear to be authentic even if it is not. ZeroBounce’s catch-all-domains algorithm helps to detect these phony email addresses.
Adverse Accounts
Some subscribers intentionally mark your email as spam if they happen not to like your email or newsletter. This practice can ruin your reputation. That’s because if a lot of your subscribers report your emails as spam, your entire email service can get auto-classified that way. Naturally, this is something you would never want to have happen.
ZeroBounce identifies adverse accounts and eliminates them from your subscriber list. Therefore, your emails only go out to people who want to receive your information.
Spam Traps
Spam traps can be more difficult to control. A spam trap is a fraud management tool used by internet service providers to help identify spammers. It is a phony email address that cannot possibly opt-in to anyone’s campaign. If you have spam trap email addresses on your subscriber list, it’s a sign that your list has wandered into unhealthy territory.
Spam traps can endanger your campaigns and have a negative effect on your subscriber lists. ZeroBounce helps you to identify industry-wide blacklisted email addresses, so you can clean up your lists.
Toxic Domains
These are domains which are reported to be abusive, bot-created or spam. ZeroBounce identifies these for you.
Disposable Email Accounts
Disposable email accounts are temporary email addresses that people create when they want to register for something online, but they want to avoid spam. These addresses last only a short time, usually only a few days or weeks. If you try sending emails to one of these disposable email addresses, your message is unlikely to reach its intended target. ZeroBounce eliminates disposable email addresses from your lists.
Data Append
In addition to validating the email addresses on your lists, ZeroBounce also appends the first name, last name, gender, location and account creation date to each address. With this data you can personalize and segment your email marketing campaigns, making them more effective.
Segmenting in particular can help you to create more precisely targeted campaigns. When you do, more people will open your emails, and more people will click on your calls to action. For example, you can create one email message to appeal to the men on your list and another for the women.
IP Append
ZeroBounce also appends the IP addresses of your subscribers. When you know your subscribers’ IP addresses, you can learn their cities and Zip Codes. This information, too, can help you to better refine and segment your lists.
Secure Downloads and Uploads
With ZeroBounce both your data uploads and your downloads are safe and secure. Your files are not only encrypted but also password-protected. Only the recipient can read the files and check the results.
Then, once you download your results, ZeroBounce erases your data. They never store it in their servers.
All ZeroBounce plans include the same features. Pricing is based on the number of email validations.
- $150 – For approx. 100,000 email validations
- $250 – For approx. 250,000 email validations
- $400 – For approx. 500,000 email validations
- $750 – For approx. 1,000,000 email validations
You need not spend exorbitant amounts of money on your email marketing campaigns if you optimize your email lists as concisely and accurately as possible. What’s more, if do this right, you’ll get much better results.
When you turn to ZeroBounce to help you optimize your subscriber lists, you’ll get a higher rate of email opens as well as more clicks on your calls to action.