Sometimes you wonder if your small business would benefit from having its own web application.
You are well aware that every day, more and more people search first on their phones for whatever they want to buy. And you think that maybe an app for your business could bring more of that market share your way. However, all you can see are the many obstacles between you and having an app of your own. The cost and the hassle, just for starters.
But there are solutions. And in this post, we tell you what those solutions are. So read on if you want to be able to tell your customers, “There’s an app for that!”
Do I Really Need a Web Application?
Let’s just say you own a local restaurant. Your menu is based on recipes from your mother and your grandmother. Your chef—that is, you—is marvelously talented. You know the customers who manage to find your restaurant love the food because they tell you so.
The problem is that it’s tough getting your restaurant’s name out there. You do the best you can with marketing your business. However, you wear many hats besides your toque blanche. Every day, you work long hours. You do the best you can. But it’s a struggle just to stay on top of so many responsibilities.
Meanwhile, a few of your more loyal customers have suggested that if there were an easier way to order from your restaurant—say, from their homes, for instance—they might order from you more often. You sure could use the business, but what to do? What to do?
Web Application to the Rescue
Here’s where a web application can come to the rescue.
Just think. If only your restaurant had a web application, your customers could download your app onto their phone or desktop. Or both. Then they could be in instant communication with you. Your menu would literally be at their fingertips. And the orders would begin flowing into your business over the Internet. Naturally, easily—and lucratively.
Your customers would be delighted. Their word-of-mouth recommendations to their family and friends—the most effective marketing tool in the world—would bring ever more customers to your restaurant’s app. And to its doorstep.
As a result, your profits would soar. Before too long, you’d be looking for a chef whose skills match your own. That’s because you’d need someone to help you with all of the food preparation and give you a break from time to time.
Sound good? Of course it does! What business owner wouldn’t want an advantage like that one?
Another Conundrum…
But now you’re up against another conundrum, aren’t you? You can barely afford to pay the wait staff, and you could use more help in the kitchen. You hardly have the room in your business budget to hire a team of web application developers. And you really can’t spare the time to hire an HR team and manage a support staff for such a team.
Well, what if we told you there’s a solution for that, too?
…and Another Solution
With a minimum of cost and hassle, your restaurant could soon have its very own web application. What’s more, your app will be designed to your specifications by a team of high-end developers. They and their support staff will work with you until your app is exactly the way you want it.
Even better, you won’t need to search for that talent, because that highly skilled team is already in place and waiting for you. Just get in touch with TMS, whose team of talented individuals are committed to developing a cutting edge app for you. An app that’s specifically designed just for your business.
But Wait—There’s More
You won’t have to search for and hire a team of top-notch web application designers. Neither will you have to come up with a way to pay for salaries and benefits for such a team.
That’s because TMS will allocate a dedicated team, just to develop your app. What’s more, their designers’ expertise is backed up by that of back-end developers, project managers, QA engineers, DB managers, customer support managers, and more.
You’ll find that it’s much more effective to outsource your web application to a pre-built team like the one you’ll find at TMS. Because you already know it’s just not feasible for you to try to onboard such a team yourself.
In other words, the web application of your dreams is a mere few clicks away from becoming a reality. And with a minimum of cost and hassle, like we said.
What If I Don’t Own a Restaurant?
Even if your business isn’t a niche restaurant, your small business, too, would benefit from having its own web application.
You know it’s true.
You know you want to be able to tell your customers, “There’s an app for that!”
So what are you waiting for? The developers and support staff at TMS are just waiting for you to reach out to them.
About the Author
Carrol Strain is a Top Rated Premium copywriter on Upwork, as well as editor and on-call writer for the Business Opportunities blog.