SEO game

How to Win the SEO Game in 2018 and Bring More Clients to Your Door

Image Credit:  © SEO Link Building on Flickr

Learning and using search engine optimization, or SEO, is essential to promoting your business. What’s more, the SEO game is the biggest game in town these days.

The field of SEO continues to expand and change almost daily. Developers are continuously devising new techniques and strategies. It can be overwhelming to try to keep up with it all. But if you can learn to look at it as a game—a game you can win—you can keep the SEO game in perspective.

Winning the SEO game will require you to optimize your website. Therefore, you must have the right SEO strategy. Professionals who study the field can help you stay up to date with the latest trends. Rely on them to help your business reach its full potential.


Stay Active on Social Media with Ads

Social media is a powerful tool. Nearly everyone, whether young or old, uses at least one form of social media today.

Facebook is still one of the most popular social media platforms. That’s because it allows you to create pages for your business and advertise it there. Stay involved and add to your social media pages on a regular basis. Engage with your audience. These steps will greatly increase your chances of bringing more people to your website.

Another thing that makes Facebook good for businesses is that the platform uses algorithms that show ads to people who appear to be interested in content that is similar to yours. Facebook’s term for this algorithm is “Lookalike Audiences.” It targets your ads toward people who are likely to be interested in them. Furthermore, Facebook has tools that can help you to create ads. The platform allows videos, articles, images, and even direct messaging.

But Facebook isn’t the only social media platform, as we all know. There’s YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, and more. What’s more, you can advertise your business on any and all of them. Each platform has algorithms that collect data about who is following whom. Additionally, the algorithms reveal what people search for and what their interests are.

What’s in it for you is that these sites can connect and display your ads to potential clients. In other words, your ads will be targeted toward people who will likely want to know more about your business. While these ads have an upfront cost, you’re likely to get a good return on your investment.




Audit and Revamp Your Website Regularly

Ranking your site at the top of a Google search is the primary aim of the SEO game. When you land at the top of a potential client’s search, your chances of gaining new clients grows. That’s because a high ranking will bring more traffic to your website.

There are several techniques that have been shown to be effective in winning the SEO game and reaching the top of the rankings. For example, sites that Google trusts appear first in searches. People are much more likely to choose a website that is at the top of a Google search. No one wants to dig through page after page to look for a particular business.

To improve your chances of winning the SEO game and having your website land at the top, make sure that your website is well designed. Its loading times need to be fast and seamless.

Perform frequent website audits to review your current content and determine whether anything needs to be improved, fixed, or even deleted. Since the trends in the SEO game are continuously changing, you’ll need to perform regular audits. You want to ensure that your website stays up to date with each new SEO trend as things change. A dedicated SEO professional can help by targeting problems and quickly fixing them.


Rely on Professionals Who Understand the SEO Game

However, don’t be fooled by an inexperienced SEO firm. There will be those who claim to know the ins and outs of the SEO game who don’t really know what they’re doing. However, you can learn to ask the right questions. Press for answers if you’re not sure. Ask them what they will do to optimize your business’s website. Make sure you get straight answers.

If you have been taken in by an unscrupulous SEO firm, find an experienced firm to audit your website to determine what went wrong. The problem could be repeated articles, low-quality keywords, poor content, or slow load speeds. Whatever it is, a qualified SEO firm whose professionals know the SEO game inside and out can revamp your website from top to bottom.



Be Mobile-Friendly

More than ever, people are using mobile devices to search for and access websites. Therefore, you want a mobile-friendly website that your customers can access easily. Furthermore, Google tends to rank websites higher when they have fast, mobile-friendly load times.

What’s more, you should optimize your website for ease of access across all devices. Studies have shown that people are not likely to wait for a website to load. They will simply move on. So you must avoid redirects, make photos smaller, and ensure that your files allow your website to load faster.


Post Quality Content

The SEO game continues to flourish and change. However, one thing that will probably never change is the demand for high-quality articles that are focused on topics that your targeted clients are interested in. While keywords and links continue to be top techniques in the SEO game, well written and frequently updated content matters almost as much, if not more.

Masterful content will ensure that people will continue to visit your website. And you’ll be winning the SEO game because your site will be at the top of Google searches.