Have you decided that earning an MBA will help you be a better entrepreneur? If so, you’re going to have to choose a personal essay topic for your application to graduate school.
Every applicant is wondering, as you are, what essay topic they should choose. Each of them wants, as you do, to succeed and enter the university. Regardless of the fact that an essay is limited in scope, it plays an essential role in your application.
What theme should you choose that will provide insight into your worldview? How will you leave a deep impression and easily stand out from other applicants?
You may ponder this conundrum for hours, considering this essay topic and that one. However, as the application deadline draws near, you might consider asking for professional help at CustomWriting.com.
If you haven’t yet reached that point of desperation, however, we have some advice for you.
Avoid These Essay Topics
Choose a topic that will allow you to frankly illustrate the person you are. At the same time, pick a topic that reveals your creative potential. To help you in this process, we offer here some essay topics that you definitely should avoid.
1. A description of your family’s business
Obviously, you’re proud of the profession your family is engaged in. Perhaps you would even like to follow in your parents’ footsteps. However, this topic won’t show an admission board much about you, yourself. There’s no guarantee, for instance, that you are going to turn out to be the seasoned professional your parent has become. What’s more, talent isn’t always genetic. Instead, write about yourself, your aspirations and achievements, not someone else’s.
2. Your role model
When applicants describe their parents, grandparents, coaches or teachers, members of the admission board have nothing to go on. At the very least, write about the influence one or another person has made on your life. Better yet, avoid this essay topic entirely. Focus instead on telling your own story. (Yes, you do. You have a story. Everyone does.)
3. A story about a natural disaster
When they’re reading an essay, admission board members want to learn about you. However, your story can get lost in the details if you’re describing a natural disaster, even if you happen to have been there when it happened. For instance, a story about a hurricane and the impact it had on your family will not necessarily reveal your personality.
4. An essay on your sport or creative achievements
Even if you’re an accomplished athlete, or you have won awards for your talents in any field, be careful when choosing this essay topic. Be sure to describe your character traits and indicate how they helped you achieve your goals.
Do This Instead
It is absolutely essential that you be honest, whatever essay topic you choose.
At the very least, do your own work. No one knows your story the way you do. Additionally, get to know the school you’re applying to, and make your statement specific to that school. Let the admissions board know specifically why you want to attend their school. Some experts recommend taking at least three months to write your personal statement.
When admission board members read your paper, they will expect to get to know you. Let them know about your aspirations and your goals. Help them to know you as a person so that they can evaluate your skills.
Ask for Help with Your Essay Topic
If you still don’t know which essay topic you should choose, ask for help from a professional writing service. Experienced authors can provide you with essay topics on a variety of topics from literature to politics. What’s more, you’ll have your essay topic quickly. Then you can write a personal statement that will leave a good impression on the admissions board, and you will easily enter the university of your choice.