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If you’re planning an initial coin offering, or ICO, you’re going to need an ICO website.
You can use your ICO website as a platform for fundraising. With it, you can also impress others with your coin’s geometric progression.
However, in order to plan for your ICO, you will need to navigate a competitive field. There are hundreds of ventures that are trying to grab investors’ attention. A good ICO website can help you with this. After capturing their attention, though, you’re going to have to convince investors that they have decent prospects of handsome returns. Here, too, your ICO website can come to your aid.
For some useful tips on ICO Website Design, here are some points to consider.
Get Right to the Point on Your Home Page
Most good copywriters will tell you to start with a story. But this won’t work on your ICO website.
Instead, get to the point at once. Investors have Type A personalities. They are busy people. They have no time to waste. Therefore, use the space on your website productively.
State your project’s mission and describe the problems that your coin solves. Most important, have a call to action, or CTA on the first page, above the fold.
AdHive can help you in the beginning. That’s because it is an influencer platform for marketing. It sends an invitation to potential investors inviting them to give an email address so they can get updates. Additionally, Filecoin provides massive storage for data that sits on hard drives and data centers.
Above all, your website must be attractive and simple to use. At the same time, it must communicate powerfully with investors who want to make money.
Structure Your ICO Website in an Orderly Way
An ICO website, like any website, must be well organized. If users start feeling frustrated or annoyed, you’ll lose them, and quickly.
Some developers take shortcuts, however. They consider popup windows and clear menu screens with auxiliary navigation to be sufficient. It’s not. In order for your website to do what you want it to do, you’ll need to ensure that it has the best performance and functionality possible.
To get an idea about the best structure for your website, browse the web. Consider the designs of top-selling websites that offer ICO tokens.
What’s more, in addition to your get-to-the-point home page, be sure that your landing page has specific blocks where you can share relevant information about your ICO with the public.
Be Forthright with Information About Your Project
Include technical details about your company and the scope of your project. However, don’t forget to outline other essential points as well.
For example, include the history of the project and list your successful ICO’s. There is no need to make the content excessively long, however. In simple terms, share attractive details that will persuade users to invest their money in your project.
Additionally, introduce your team to investors on your website.
By being forthright about your project, you’ll gain prospective investors’ trust.
Employ an Interactive Web Design
Professional and interactive web design will help to convince people that investing their money with you is a good idea. Therefore, the design of your ICO website should convey a clear message to viewers that you have a professional team that can handle anything. Use infographics and custom photos, as they’re sure impress potential clients.
Use CTA buttons that attract attention and engage clients to take action. Additionally, be sure to include both a reminder function and a search function on your ICO website.
Further, don’t make the mistake of ignoring social media. It’s an additional tool that can help in the development of your projects. Therefore, be sure to link your social media pages to your ICO website. Finally, if you want the best ICO website, hire professional Blockchain Developers to do the job right.