Photo by Barni Rajah on Unsplash
Did you know that about 40 percent of small businesses still don’t have a website in 2019? What’s more, many of the businesses that have created websites don’t utilize the services of an local SEO company. That must be because they don’t yet understand the importance of search engine optimization.
It’s hard to believe that in today’s world many small businesses don’t see the value of having a website. They don’t realize how much money they could be missing out on simply because they haven’t taken the time to design even a basic website for their business. And they miss out on even more because they haven’t learned about SEO and SEO companies.
What Is an SEO Company and How Can One Help You?
So, what the heck is an SEO company, and how can one help you? You might be asking yourself these questions right now if you’re not taking advantage of an SEO company and SEO in general already.
Learn more about some of the ways in which an SEO company, like this Portland SEO firm, can benefit your business below.
An SEO Company Analyzes the Existing Structure of a Website
When you first call on an SEO company for help with your website, they’ll begin by sitting down and clicking around on your current site. They’ll analyze it from top to bottom. What they’ll be trying to see is what you’re doing right and, maybe more importantly, what you’re doing wrong with your website.
An SEO company will seek to answer questions such as:
- Is this website secure?
- Does it load up fast enough?
- How long do visitors tend to stay on it?
- Are there any errors in it?
- Is it mobile-friendly?
They ask these questions because when people go to Google and search for a business like yours in your area, it’s essential for your business to pop up on the first page. However, that’s not going happen if your site isn’t secure or if it’s filled with all kinds of errors.
That’s why an SEO company will identify any potential errors on your website. Then they will either fix them or give you advice about how you can take care of them yourself.
They Look at the Content on a Website
In addition to analyzing the backend of a website to see what kind of condition it’s in, an SEO company will also take a closer look at the content on it.
You might think that your content is great. But there’s a decent chance that it might not be allowing your company to put its best foot forward.
An SEO company will seek to answer questions related to your content, like:
- Is the content on your website unique?
- Does it include targeted keywords that will allow it to show up in Google searches?
- Are there any pages on your website that don’t have content on them?
- Are there pages on your website with content that is too short or that lacks keywords?
- Does all of your content include the name of your business and contact information for it?
Fundamentally, a business needs to do more than slap together content for its website and then insist that it’s there. That’s because in order to have real value, your content must include certain things to make it as SEO-friendly as it can be.
An SEO Company Creates New Content for a Website
More often than not, a business will need to have content added to their website once an SEO company has finished analyzing it. If this is the case, an SEO company will work to create the kind of content your company needs.
The content they create will include:
- Content on the homepage explaining what the business is all about and what kinds of products and services it provides
- Information on specific pages about the company’s products and services, information that describes the various products and services a business offers
- Content on an “About Us” page speaking to the history of the business
- A “Contact Us” page encouraging people to reach out to the business for products and services
- Content on a blog that is updated on a regular basis
Creating content for a website and updating it regularly is a must for businesses. When you’re wondering, “What is an SEO company?” think about how much they can help you in the content department.
You might even want to find one that specializes in working with businesses in your specific industry. For example, there are SEO companies that provide SEO services for plumbers. And these SEO companies know the plumbing industry inside and out.
They Find Ways to Increase Backlinks to a Website
One of the main reasons why it’s so important for businesses to establish websites is because websites make companies look like trusted authorities in their space. They show potential customers that a company knows what they’re talking about.
You can also let people know you’re an authority in your space by having an SEO company increase the number of backlinks to your website. Backlinks are links on other websites and blogs that point back to your site.
An SEO company can build up your backlinks by:
- Showing you how to guest blog on other sites and include links to your site in your blogs
- Finding opportunities to have broken links on other sites changed to live links to your site
- Promoting your content through your company’s social media platforms
Backlinks can work wonders for your website. In fact, they can send it straight to the top of the Google rankings.
They Will Monitor a Website over Time and Collect Data on It
A great SEO company won’t come in, clean up your current website, send you a bill, and be on their way. Instead, they’ll offer to continue working with you over time to make the most of your website.
A great SEO company will continue to monitor your website to see what’s working and what isn’t. Additionally, they will collect valuable data to see what improvements you (or they) can make.
Stop Asking, “What Is an SEO Company?” and Hire One Today
“What is an SEO company?” is a question that many business owners ask. Therefore, don’t be embarrassed if you don’t know what one is.
Instead, get in touch with an SEO company sooner rather than later to see where your website stands. When you do, you will transform the look and feel of your site. Moreover, you will make it more effective than it’s ever been before. However, this is generally only the case when you have an SEO specialist by your side.
Do you want to find other ways to improve your business besides hiring help for SEO purposes? Then look through our blog to get more business advice.