If you’re launching a business for the first time, it can be an exciting time, but also a worrying one. There’s a lot to consider when you’re establishing your new enterprise. It can be all too easy to get side-tracked and overwhelmed by everything you need to accomplish.
High productivity is key to the success of any business. This is especially true for a new start-up. So, how can you make sure to maximize your potential in the workplace from the get-go?
“Starting your day off right is critical to your performance,” says Rezwan Manji, an executive with 15 years of experience in the dental space and the former President of Young & Motivated. The latter is a workshop series that teaches upcoming executives about how valuable money, relationships and time can be. Whether the day is full of administrative tasks, networking with contacts, or tackling complex issues, getting off to the right start generates momentum for a more accomplished and productive day.
With this in mind, here are a few top tips to get you onto the right track.
Writing It Down
There are several studies that prove that, if you write something down, you have a better chance of retaining the information. Log important items that you need to do at the beginning of each day. Then, read the list regularly to form a habit that will last a lifetime. From your morning workout to taking your daily vitamins, putting it all down on paper helps you to execute it.
Planning and Preparing
Take the time to plan each day in advance. Calendar everything and plan all your targets and goals – not only your professional ones but your personal ones too. Plan for each day, each week, each month, quarter and year. Review everything you need to accomplish on any given day, set it down on a notepad or sticky note, and identify all the key tasks you’ll be tackling that day. This will give you the motivation you need to get things done.
Prioritizing for a Business Launch
It’s easy to start feeling overwhelmed when you start a new business. It’s important to prioritize or you’ll sink under the weight of all the tasks you need to accomplish. Identify the tasks that are urgent and important, and be aware of those which aren’t. Schedule some time during the week to tackle low priority tasks then put your focus on the key jobs that must be executed each day. Rezwan Manji utilizes the Eisenhower Matrix and recommends it for all of his personal and work-related tasks to get his priorities in order. Being able to focus on the things that count makes all the difference between failure and success, whatever the task.
Have Downtime with Purpose
Launching a new business is time-consuming and stressful. That’s why quality downtime is so important. Without taking time out to recharge your batteries and revitalize yourself, you can quickly burn out. However, you should ensure you have a purpose in your leisure time.
Be in the moment and enjoy it to the full. Every business owner runs the risk of spending all their leisure time thinking about their work, planning how to solve problems or checking emails. It’s important to avoid doing this. When you’re having downtime, you need to truly live it to get as much benefit from it as possible.
Routine: The Key to Launching a Business Successfully
All high-performing individuals have a routine that ensures they stay on top of their game each and every day. It takes hard work to reach this high productivity level, but if you remain conscious about the way you approach each day you can make your new business the success that you’ve always hoped it would be.