Photo by Marta Branco from Pexels
These days, the Internet is full of cryptocurrency ads, articles, and predictions. But how do you know if a particular site or trader is really going to help you earn money? There is one site that will guide you. It’s called Safetrading. Read on to find out more.
A Site That Audits Cryptocurrency Services
If you visit Reddit, you will find a lot of complaints from users who money in their trading. So, what to do? How can you check the quality of all those services you’re reading about?
Safetrading can help. It is a listing platform that audits cryptocurrency services. They will help you choose the best cryptocurrency trading bot, trader, crypto wallet, and everything else you’ll need to trade cryptocurrencies successfully.
So let’s take a closer look at Safetrading now.
History of Safetrading
Safetrading opened their virtual doors for business at the beginning of 2018. It all came about because the site’s founder, Andreas Schmidt, had an unfortunate experience with trading.
That is, he became a victim of scammers in the early stages of his trading career. At that point, he began to look around for a platform that checked cryptocurrency services. To his surprise, he discovered there were none. So he decided to create one, and he called it Safetrading.
Schmidt is proud of the fact that, over time, Safetrading has saved a lot of people a lot of money and a lot of grief.
What Safetrading Does
When Safetrading first began, they worked exclusively with cryptocurrency traders. To that end, they made it possible for people to see listings of crypto bots, wallets, crypto exchanges, crypto traders, and more. More recently, they have expanded to offer similar listings for Forex services.
They also offer interesting articles on their blog about all these topics. Moreover, if you’re just starting out as a trader, they are always ready to help you. Basically, they will advise you on the services you need.
How They Check Crypto Services
For users of Safetrading, the site works seamlessly. Everything is fast and easy. However, behind the scenes, it’s a complicated process.
It all starts when a trader visits the site and provides information in order to list their channel with Safetrading. Then, the experts aboard the Safetrading team go to work to investigate that trader. In other words, you won’t see this trader listed on the site until they have been fully vetted.
Safetrading pays attention to the following factors:
- The way a trader communicates
- Date the channel was created
- The presence of cross-promotions on the trader’s channel
- A trader’s experience
- Subscription prices
- Any other factors that could help to prove a particular trader’s legitimacy
After reviewing everything they can without access to the trader’s VIP group, the Safetrading team asks the trader to provide access to the paid group. If they do, the team looks at their crypto signals for the past three months.
Moreover, they abide by strict calculation rules that anyone can look at. In fact, you can find these rules on the Safetrading blog.
How Safetrading Checks Crypto Bots and Wallets
Of course, the process of reviewing the activities of crypto bots is more complicated. For this purpose, Safetrading has a special team of experienced traders. These experts check all the activities of a particular bot before granting it their “approved” status.
Another team audits crypto wallets. One person on the team audits everything concerning the wallet’s team, its history, and its development. Another expert checks the wallet’s features, its functions, and its open source code.
In short, Safetrading is a cryptocurrency listing platform that not only lists crypto services, but also checks them out thoroughly. So if you’re thinking of going into cryptcurrency trading, keep Safetrading in your back pocket. They can help you avoid scammers and trade safely.
Further, if you need any advice at all about cryptocurrency trading, feel free to contact Andreas Schmidt, Safetrading’s founder. Get to know him and you’ll find you can trust him to give you honest and reliable advice about trading cryptocurrencies.