Featured image by Luke Southern on Unsplash
Planning and organizing a business conference is difficult. It can be challenging to look for and hire a venue, choose and invite your keynote speakers, determine the number of attendees you should have, plan the menu and drinks, and so on. On top of all this, you also have to consider your audio-visual (AV) equipment needs.
Most business conferences also have some requirements when it comes to audio-visual equipment. What’s more, the more complex your event, the more complex your AV requirements may be.
Additionally, you need to be consistent in terms of your AV equipment. You need to have high-quality sound as well as great visuals. You want to give the right impression so you can drill your message across to your audience.
So what AV equipment would you need for a business conference? Here’s your top guide.
A Visual Display
You need some form of screen where you can display the visual elements of your conference. For example, you might want to give a presentation or show a video.
The precise system that will work for you will depend on the scale you require. If you are planning a smaller business conference, you can make use of an HDTV screen. The standard screen and projector combination is always a good choice, as well, particularly for bigger conferences. If you want something with more oomph, however, you can use a huge widescreen or even an LED video wall.
Also, think about the number of inputs you may need for laptops, cameras, DVDs, and so on. Having plenty of inputs will allow you to switch the display over more easily when necessary.
Audio and Control Systems for Your Business Conference
The audio system you use will also depend on the scale of your event. For smaller conferences, you simply need something that provides clear and concise audio from a camera or computer.
However, for bigger events you may have to consider equipment and systems such as speakers, microphones, and more. Bigger conferences may also require certain tech systems strewn throughout the area. Also, make sure you have a good control system you can operate from a central vantage point.
Lighting Elements
You shouldn’t discount your lighting requirements, either, particularly if you are planning a big business conference. Make sure your audience can see everything as clearly as possible.
Moreover, if you are using the conference to launch or display different products, lighting plays an even more significant role. Lighting may not be as important as sound and visuals during a business conference. All the same, you shouldn’t neglect it.
Other Major Considerations for Your Business Conference
When you are organizing a business conference at an event hall or hotel, you need to keep track of a lot of details.
Your other major considerations for planning such an event include whether or not the venue has a specific contract for a supplier, or if they allow outside suppliers or vendors. You also need to find out if the site has its own electrical and engineering expert, and how much time you will have for setting up your equipment.
Your best bet would be to take advantage of AV hire services. They can provide you with the proper equipment and expertise you need, especially if your event is large and has a lot of attendees.