Featured image by Scott Graham from Unsplash
There is no doubt the continuing global pandemic has forced business leaders to pivot their focus to online platforms. With many businesses closed for in-store services, your web presence is more important than ever. Here are five tips for creating a website for your business during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.
Security Measures When Creating a Website
Before creating a website, it’s imperative you install proper security measures. This is particularly important if your website accumulates money from customers. In addition to protecting financial data, you also need to install safeguards to protect personal information. You do not want to break the trust of your customers by experiencing a website breach.
What to Include When Creating a Website
Creating new and exciting content on a regular basis will keep your customers coming back for more. If you struggle with organizing your website, consider using the services of a professional website builder. According to the website builder, Kajabi, you should aim to create a website that houses every part of your online business in one place. Using a website builder will expedite this process while delivering a quality product.
Why Does Your Company Need a Website?
In today’s digital age, you cannot do business without creating a strong website. You can no longer solely count on walk-in traffic. Instead, people are intuitively turning to the web first when looking for information about businesses and services. It’s important to make it easy to find your business online. This is a crucial goal for growing your business.
How Does Covid-19 Fit into This?
COVID-19 is definitely the driving force behind the majority of business decisions these days. When utilizing your website builder, be sure to acknowledge the presence of the virus. You can’t ignore the effects the pandemic is has had on your customers while creating a website. Rather than pretending it does not exist, find ways you can adapt your website to make it easier for your customers. For example, make it easier for your customers to receive your products or services through your online portal. This will acknowledge that your business understands the challenges people are experiencing this year and will show that you are here to help.
Create a Social Media Presence
If you do not already have a social media presence, now is the time to build one. With many people stuck at home and craving social interaction, the use of social media has exploded. You are missing out on large audience if you do not take advantage of this opportunity. Savvy marketers use their social media accounts to sell their services, engage with their target markets, and keep customers informed of fluid business hours.
While this may seem overwhelming, it’s important to recognize that using resources while creating a website will increase your business’s productivity. Some of the resources, such as a website builder, will help you to continue to build your online presence, engage your audience, and drive your business through this unprecedented economic time.