Proofing System

Could Your Business Use an Online Proofing System?

Featured image by Jonas Leupe from Unsplash

An online proofing system is a technological solution mainly used for assisting the review and approval process in an enterprise. An online proofing system allows marketers and creative workers to easily share their deliverables and collect feedback for a faster and more seamless approval process. 

The proofing process, or approval process, is certainly not a new thing and is as old as the printing machine itself. It might be even older. However, in the past, we could only rely on traditional methods such as sending hardcopy proofs (printouts), email-based approval, or even face-to-face meetings. 

The online proofing system offers a centralized place where everyone involved in the project can offer their real-time feedback. This encourages transparent communication and more effective collaborations on creative projects. 

In short, the benefits it provides are unquestionable.

However, determining the right online proofing system for your enterprise’s requirements can pose its own challenge. This is why here we will discuss five key factors to consider as you evaluate an online proofing system. 

Without further ado, let us start with the first point. 

1. Assess Your Current Approval Process

When adopting an online proofing system, you wouldn’t want to disrupt your existing approval process too much, or you’ll risk slowing down the whole process. 

Thus, make sure the online proofing system can work within your existing review and approval workflow and is versatile/flexible enough to integrate (and improve) this existing workflow. 

It’s best to gather as much data as you can from your stakeholders about the existing approval process: the problems they face, bottlenecks they’ve discovered, and areas that can be improved. These insights might also help you justify the online proofing system’s implementation and assess whether you’ll get a high enough level of user adoption.

Key Questions to Ask: 

  • Who (individuals and departments) will participate in the approval process?
  • How many revision cycles do projects typically undergo in the current workflow?
  • What is the most crucial issue in the current approval process?


2. Types of Feedback Required by Your Projects

If, for example, you are going to primarily review text-based materials (i.e., contracts, blog posts), then most likely, you’ll only need a basic commenting feature and text markup features to assist the feedback process.

However, if you will review the design and even video materials, you’ll need an online proofing systemthat provides an advanced annotation and markup tool. 

Also, consider the specific needs of your projects. For example, whether you’ll need the ability to attach files and limit authorization or not. 

Key Questions to Ask:

  • Do you only need text markup tools, or do you also need drawing and advanced markup features?
  • What kind of navigation tools do you need for your projects?
  • How advanced will you need the collaborative tools and features?


3. Types and Volume of Content

Your organization might produce a wide variety of creative materials. Thus, as discussed above, it’s vital to assess what types of media content you will be reviewing. You want to make sure the online proofing system supports your most frequently used file types and offers the appropriate workflow and review tools. 

Also, assess the typical volumes of content that are going to be reviewed. You’d want a solution that can handle the number of different reviewers, fluctuations in content volumes, and storage of essential files. 

Key Questions to Ask: 

  • What types of content materials are you reviewing?
  • Which file types do you use often?
  • What is your average monthly volume?
  • Is your content volume relatively consistent or does it tend to vary?

4. Versatility in File Sharing and Access

One of the core functions of the online proofing system is to act as a centralized hub for file sharing for internal and external shareholders. So, it’s essential to check whether the solution offers enough versatility and ease of use regarding your sharing options. 

If data privacy is an issue, then you’d also like appropriate authentication functions. For example, by requiring external reviewers to sign up with usernames and passwords before they can access the file. 

In general, you’d like an online proofing system that can be customized enough regarding file sharing and access in accordance with your project’s needs.

Key Questions to Ask:

  • Are there any external shareholders who will need to be involved in the review process? 
  • How many reviewers participate in a typical approval process?
  • Do your external reviewers need to be authenticated (i.e. with logins and passwords).

5. Data Security Capabilities

It’s essential to check whether your online proofing system offers adequate cybersecurity capabilities and can meet your organization’s security requirements. Evaluate the solution’s security strength, and ask the vendor whether they’ll regularly update the solution to meet the changing security needs. 

Sophisticated online proofing systems offer Single Sign-On (SSO) to authenticate users, and you can even add two-factor authentication (2F) to further help address vulnerability. 

Key Questions to Ask:

  • How frequently is the online proofing system updated?
  • What are the system’s current service level statistics?
  • What are your organization’s security requirements for creative products?


When choosing between different online proofing systems, it’s essential to assess your organization’s needs regarding the review and approval process. For example, if your approval process is subject to regulatory compliance, then you’ll need an advanced online proofing system that can accommodate your regulatory and compliance requirements. 

The five factors we’ve shared above aren’t the only ones you’ll need to consider when evaluating an online proofing system, but they are among the most important in assessing whether the solution is the right fit for your enterprise’s needs and requirements.