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One of the positive effects of the pandemic lockdowns was the advent of many new opportunities to make money online. Here, we take a look at some of them.
Several new money-making niches have opened up since the world economy closed down for the better part of a year. During the COVID pandemic, millions of adults found online jobs. Others continued with their old jobs while working from home instead of at an office.
One of the positive effects of the lockdowns was the birth of many new kinds of online investing opportunities. Along with the new techniques to make money online, some of the old standbys, like day trading, gained lots of fresh enthusiasts. In short, millions of working people began to search out ways to invest without leaving the comfort of their homes.
Make Money Online with Crowdsourced Venture Capital
One of the newest ways to make money online is through crowdsourced venture capital platforms. These collections of entrepreneurs are all looking for someone who is willing to put a small amount of capital into their businesses. Because most are first-time business owners and can’t get traditional bank loans, they turn to venture capital crowdsourcing. This helps them get the funds they need to open their doors.
The best thing about the platforms is that they serve to match investors with entrepreneurs. Before you commit funds to a deal, you can review the company. It’s best to learn about the managers and ask questions of the owners. Unlike traditional venture capital deals, you need not commit hundreds of thousands of dollars to a deal in order to make money online in this way. Most of the venture capital platforms that use crowdsourcing accept investments as small as $50.
Turn to Day Trading to Make Money Online
Learning how to day trade stocks, which doesn’t take more than a couple of weeks for most people, can be a rewarding, exciting way to put your capital to work for you. What many like most about day trading is that no position is ever held overnight. That means you always close out and go to cash before the end-of-day session bell rings. Check to see how a prospective broker deals with day traders first, though. This is chiefly because some ask for high opening balances. Others are more inviting and offer low initial balances. In fact, many offer a wide variety of support services for their clients who wish to engage in this style of buying and selling to make money online.
Cryptocurrency Speculating Can Be Lucrative
If you’re willing to spend time researching one or more of the top cryptocurrencies, like bitcoin or litecoin, it’s possible to start your own business as a crypto speculator. Unlike the stock market, you won’t need a brokerage platform to make money online in this way. You’ll simply be making buys of one or more alt-coins from the source of your choice and selling it wherever you can. There are crypto exchanges from which you can operate. However, you’re always free to sell on other online markets.
Commodities ETFs
If you prefer following the commodities markets, there are hundreds of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) that offer shares priced as low as $25. That makes it possible to make money online in the fast-paced, often volatile world of commodities investing without having to purchase entire contracts. This is a major advantage, as contracts typically cost thousands of dollars apiece.
One of the most popular sub-categories of this practice is the agricultural products, like wheat, soybeans, corn, livestock, sugar, and cotton. Researching and following this niche of the market can mean making online trading an at-home business. You can do this either on a part-time or full-time basis.