
6 Ways to Make Blogs More Engaging and Responsive

Featured image by Anete Lusina on Unsplash

It’s said that any digital marketing expert knows that blogging is crucial in determining the success of a marketing campaign. If you’ve been writing blogs for a while now and yet you feel your website still isn’t getting the traffic it deserves, there must be something wrong with how readers find it. Perhaps the blogs aren’t engaging enough or they don’t see your site to be efficiently responsive. 

In any case, it’s time you change the situation in 2021. As the digital era focuses more on web content and online marketing, it’s crucial to create blogs that impact your brand and your readers’ daily predicaments. It’s time that you learn how to make your blog more engaging and responsive to attain better outreach rates. 

Blogging 101: Reader Engagement and Beyond 

Blogging could be any content published online ranging from photography to writing and other forms of media. It was initially a way for people to write blog entries in diary style. However, over the years, it has grown to be a popular form of content creation used for digital marketing means. Today, businesses use blogs in their websites to attract readers, potential customers, and new audiences. 

Apparently, though, not all blogs are created equal. Some would powerfully attract hits and traffic, while others won’t even get noticed despite several attempts to optimize them. What could be wrong, then? Maybe because the content isn’t engaging and responsive enough. 

To make it so, here are some ways you could try: 

1. Increase Readability 

If your blog usually contains technical and almost boring posts, that could drive readers away. This is a common mistake when a business or website is about technical stuff, mainly containing graphs, numbers, and tables. Chances are, visitors don’t find them easy and entertaining to read. 

To address this, you can do something about increasing the readability of your blog. For example, for posts that need to have tables, you can install a WordPress table plugin that makes working with charts, tables, and data management easier and more seamless. Such a plugin could greatly help websites that talk about business topics with reports, surveys, and data. You can create the tables and charts in a way that is easy to understand and the like.  

Another way to increase readability is to avoid walls of texts in your paragraphs. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break down the text walls that could bore readers. 

2. Don’t Just Blog. Tell a Story 

Sometimes blogging can make you feel lost in the middle of everything you need to write, that you already forget the aspect of telling a story to your readers. 

Blog readers are believed to like reading posts that don’t just market or advertise something. Instead, they appreciate it more if the blogs contain stories and content where they can learn something. They need a solution for their concerns and reading your blog should be a key in answering their troubles. 

Nothing beats valuable content when it comes to blogging. It’s said that most people will always come back for more when they know your website aims to educate and help readers. 

3. Improve Your Page’s Load Time 

A website’s load time has so much to say when talking about the aspect of responsiveness. Sometimes, even when your content is valuable and engaging enough, visitors won’t stay longer than you’d hope for them to be simply because the pages are taking too long to load. 

Keep in mind that the attention span of web users these days is getting shorter and shorter. Thus, a website with a super slow loading time could totally affect your efforts to connect and engage with your audience.

If you want your viewers to stick around, make sure you improve the loading time of your website. A faster blog means a better conversion rate, more page views, expectedly higher customer satisfaction and engagement. 


4. Make Your Blog Mobile-Friendly 

The year 2021 has seen a significant increase in people using their handheld devices instead of family computers or laptops at home. They prefer the convenience of just having to do a few taps with their fingertips and be able to search for something online. Therefore, making your website mobile-friendly is a great way to increase engagement and responsiveness. 

The interface should be easily accessible without having any interference when a visitor is using their mobile phone. The theme and design should automatically adjust depending on the size of the viewer’s screen. Doing so will ensure your website will be readable and functional regardless of your audience is using a computer, handheld tablet, or mobile phone when navigating it. 

5. Make Use of Visually Appealing Content 

Blogs don’t just utilize words in their content. You can take advantage of visually appealing content such as photos and graphics to attract potential readers. And you may want to be more flexible when talking about visual content—think useful infographics and video promotions where you can educate your viewers and promote your brand simultaneously. 

Blogs containing visuals have better chances of becoming viral, especially if you’re blogging about a very timely occurrence or event. It’s a great way to make a stand and to use your voice when talking about what’s happening around you.  

6. Add a Search Box 

One common mistake most websites make is the lack of a search button on their homepage. Readers usually don’t fancy the idea of scanning through hundreds of posts, especially if they’re looking for a pretty particular topic or keyword. So, we recommend adding a search box or option to your blog. 

A search box would make it easier for visitors to look for anything they want to read about. So, make it a point to add this important feature to your interface.  


In Conclusion 

Blogs can be useful in increasing your company’s online presence and brand awareness. Whatever type of niche you’re in, it’s always a great idea to take advantage of effective marketing tools that can help you make better connections and engagement with your audience. 

In 2021, make it a unique project of yours to create blog posts that are more engaging and responsive. When done right, it could potentially increase your ranking in search engine results that may eventually lead to better audience outreach. Needless to say, valuable, engaging, and responsive content is still considered a benchmark in determining the success of your digital marketing strategy.