Featured image by Terje Sollie via Pexels
YouTube has long since moved on from being just a platform where bored teenagers can watch entertaining videos. As a result, YouTube channel promotion has come a long way, too. How can you best use a YouTube channel to promote your business—or start one?
There are millions of reasons why people create a YouTube channel. It can be for glory and popularity, to make money, to help people, or maybe just as a hobby.
The number of YouTube channels from private entrepreneurs, agencies, and big companies is growing every year. This allows them to establish their online reputation, introduce their brand to a wider audience, and gain viewers’ trust.
YouTube is used by more than 1.9 billion people a month, representing hundreds of thousands of hours of viewing every day. A huge number of influencers and brands promote their services and products by way of a YouTube channel. Moreover, this entire huge industry dictates its own terms and sets the rules of promotion on its platform.
How Should You Go About Designing a YouTube Channel?
When you’re creating a YouTube channel, you have to understand what your motivation is and what you expect to get out of it. Without that understanding, you will find it difficult to consistently invest effort, money, and energy into your YouTube channel and its promotion.
Regardless of your motivation, you have to understand that you won’t see results immediately.
An important point for beginners is to buy YouTube views. It is absolutely legal and safe if you’re dealing with trusted sites. This will help your YouTube channel to get additional coverage and gain viewers’ attention. It works according to the snowball effect: The more attention a video gets from users on the first day of publication, the more the platform’s algorithms push it to the top.
You can buy real YouTube views, likes and comments on Viewsta. This is a quality site that you can trust. You’ll get a lot of reviews on the internet. Plus, their support team is fast, they offer a money-back guarantee, and each client gets a personal manager.
Step 1: Choose a Topic for Your YouTube Channel
When choosing a topic for your YouTube channel, make sure it’s something you like. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to develop and promote your YouTube channel or even just keep it running.
So keep your interests in your work or hobby in mind. But also consider what your goals are and what you want to get out of your YouTube channel. Also, think of an approximate content plan, at least for a couple of weeks. You want to give yourself time to prepare and shoot everything for that all-important first video.
Step 2: Design Your Channel
Also, many people don’t pay much attention to this, but try and take the time to choose a memorable name for your YouTube channel so you can design and promote it properly. Then develop an interesting thumbnail, create your avatar, fill in the “about me” box, and provide links to your social networks and email.
Step 3: Make YouTube Video Quality a Priority
And one of the most important points is the camera. Yes, not everyone makes this a priority. But in these days of great competition, poor picture and sound quality will not play well into your hands. Most likely people will find something similar but with more pleasant visuals and better quality in general.
Step 4: Create a Trailer
A trailer for your YouTube channel is similar to a movie trailer. It’s important to understand that the human brain decides whether something is interesting or uninteresting within three to six seconds. So make your trailer as dynamic as possible and place it at the beginning of your video.
However, don’t make it any longer than a minute and be sure to include a call to subscribe.
Are You Ready to Launch Your YouTube Channel?
Finally, the moment arrives at last.
Your first video is on the channel. But the number of views is growing very slowly or there are no views at all.
You need to do something.
Follow these steps when you upload a video for better results:
Step 1: Find Tags and Keywords to Promote Your YouTube Channel
When it comes to YouTube, finding keywords for your videos is one of the most important things you can do.
The keywords you choose will determine where you appear in a viewer’s search. Many people who aren’t familiar with SEO methods skip this step, but it’s very important if you want your videos to attract the maximum number of viewers.
Step 2: Create Thumbnails for Your YouTube Channel
This point is not always obvious and many neglect it. However, a cover (or rather the thumbnail we see on the sidebar when we watch another video) can bring in a lot of organic views.
It is important to note that thumbnails with faces of the people involved in the video work especially well. This creates a more open and trustworthy image.
Step 3: Incorporate These Helpful Hints
YouTube is better at ranking channels that keep viewers on their pages longer. That longer average view time on your channel means that people are really interested in your content.
By adding YouTube prompts, you can add additional recommended videos to attract people to another one of your videos and keep viewers from leaving for another channel.
What Else Do You Need to Know About YouTube Channel Promotion?
Create Content Frequently
You need to create content frequently, but this doesn’t mean you have to post a video every day. At least twice a week is a good schedule to stick to. This frequency will keep your videos in front of your viewers so they don’t forget about you.
Also try to maintain a set schedule for releasing your videos. This helps to form something of a routine for the viewer. For example, you could release videos on Fridays and Tuesdays. This will keep your viewers from forgetting about you.
Keeping a schedule is not completely necessary but it can work really well in the long run from a psychographic point of view.
Use Your Other Social Networks to Promote Your YouTube Channel
As you’re developing your YouTube channel, your other social networks become equally important. So try to be active on all your social networks.
Also stay in communication with your subscribers. Conduct surveys on a relevant topic, for example, or ask them what they want to see your next video. This builds trust and also helps you better understand what kind of content you need to create as you move forward.
Here’s a Final Word About YouTube Channel Promotion
Just do it!
Even if all of this seems complicated and gives you a lot to do, just do it. Start small and keep applying the tips we suggest here. You don’t have to do everything all at once, but gradually employ each tip over time. Keep at it, and before you know it, you will have a lot more viewers than you ever thought possible.