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Balancing the Responsibilities of Being a Startup Entrepreneur and a Parent

Many a startup entrepreneur is also a parent. However, when we talk about business and parenting, it is not easy to keep everyone satisfied. That’s because these two areas of life can both be overwhelming and demanding. If you’re both a startup entrepreneur and a parent, you might be looking for advice that can help you to balance these responsibilities. We hope this post helps you to simplify your life.

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working remotely - featured image

How to Travel the World While Working Remotely

With a little bit of discipline and planning, a career of working remotely as a freelancer can provide you with the chance to see the world. Setting this up will take some time while you get your bearings straight, but the payoff will be well worth it. Here’s how to get it done.

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Why an Online Mattress Business Is the Right Business for You

It might surprise you to know that an online mattress business is one of the up-and-coming business models right now. People are choosing to purchase more and more of what they want and need online, including mattresses. They love being able to purchase anything they want or need from the comfort of their own homes. Entrepreneurs, always on the lookout for new opportunities, stand to benefit from these digital trends, too, because they can make their products and services available to millions of people everywhere. Beyond these obvious points, though, why would a customer seek out an online mattress business?

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What Are the Pitfalls of Working as a Freelancer?

Many people dream of ditching the 9-5 routine and working for themselves instead. But what about the pitfalls of this type of career move? Over recent years, a rising number of people have actually managed to achieve the goal of being their own boss. They have broken free from employment to enjoy the many benefits of working for themselves on a freelance basis. However, it is important to consider the pitfalls of working for yourself. Only then can you make an informed choice about whether this is the right move for you.

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wisdom - featured image

Steve Wozniak’s Words of Wisdom for New Age Entrepreneurs

When you think about the famous company Apple, you probably also think about Steve Jobs. But there was someone else behind the development of this powerful company as well and that person was Steve Wozniak, Apple’s co-founder. Keep reading for some words of wisdom from The Woz.

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passive income

An Income Conveyor Belt: How to Build Passive Income

Passive income is everyone’s ultimate dream, right? Having passive income is like having an income conveyor belt that allows you to make money for your business while you do absolutely nothing. However, achieving the reality is far from easy. Being able to rely on a passive income requires hard work upfront. There is no magic switch you can install on your business’s website. You’ll have to be willing to do the work in the beginning and keep things running with routine maintenance after that. That’s because if there’s a chink in the chain, that chain isn’t moving at optimum speed. And speed is essential to keep your business’s passive income running along. Here are a few methods to help you get started.

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How to Get Tax Breaks Before You Even Start Your Own Business

Many people who are starting up their own business know about the tax breaks they can take advantage of once the business is up and running. But it’s possible that these same entrepreneurs aren’t aware that there are tax deductions that are specific to the startup phases of a business. Tax laws are sympathetic to beginning businesses. That’s because they see certain expenditures during this time as investments for the future.

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Paying Your Fair Share: A Guide to Paying Taxes as a Freelancer

If you’re currently in the process of moving from a full-time job into becoming a freelancer, you’re probably experiencing changes in every aspect of your life. The way you file taxes is also changing. Instead of having taxes deducted from your income, you now must navigate paying taxes as a business owner. Most people have the same questions about getting started on paying freelancer taxes. Here are some of the most common ones.

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life insurance

10 Factors That Make a Life Insurance Plan Worth Your Money

Life insurance. You may think that because you’re young and just starting out in business that you don’t need it. However, there are so many benefits to having a life insurance policy—and the sooner get one, the better. Keep reading to learn about the factors that make life insurance plans worth your money, no matter what your age.

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