Online Businesses

reseller hosting

Reseller Hosting: Understand Your Customers and Pick the Right Plan

Reseller hosting is a competitive field of business. In order to succeed, you’ll need to offer excellent service. In addition, you will need to budget for marketing and make plans to promote your business. Additionally, you need a basic infrastructure that will support your reseller hosting business. Importantly, your hosting website needs to offer numbers to call for sales and customer support. Finally, get to know your target audience and understand how your company fits into the reseller hosting field.

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7 Simple Tips for Attention-Grabbing Headlines

If you do any sort of web writing at all, you have written your share of headlines. You also know firsthand how much time and effort goes into your pieces. We know the first step is creating online content that will generate real traffic and backlinks to your site. What you may or may not give much thought to, though, is how many people will actually read what you’ve gone to all that trouble to write! The key to this puzzle lies in your headline. Your headline is crucially important for getting your message out, which is why we now present to you 7 tips for creating the best headlines out there.

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social media - featured image

Is Your Social Media Presence Falling Flat?

Social media marketing seems like such a simple thing. You write a descriptive paragraph about your company, post it on your social media sites and check in occasionally, right? Well, it’s a start. But if you that’s all you do, you’re really missing out on everything a great social media presence can do for your company. What can you do? Follow these five tips.

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5 Places Where You’ve Probably Forgotten to Put Your Logo

For sure you’ve placed your logo everywhere you can think of. You’ve covered all the usual suspects—your website header, your profile photos on social media, your product packaging—but where else can you display your logo, the all-important image that represents your brand? Here’s a roundup of five places you might have missed.

5 Places Where You’ve Probably Forgotten to Put Your Logo Read More »

How to Write Compelling Content

To write compelling content is a choice. Either you choose to put in the time and energy it takes to represent your brand and do it well. Or you take the easy route and create boring content, a route that leads nowhere in the end. Boring content wastes energy, time, and resources. The choice is clear. To boost search engine research page (SERP) rankings and achieve your goals, you need to offer compelling content on your website or blog.

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6 Tips to Get the Most Value from Your Quality Website

Any entrepreneur trying to grow their business knows the value of a quality website that can act as a perpetually accessible brochure, helping you to draw in customers around the globe while you sleep. When potential clients or customers are seeking information online, your website plays an integral part in the decisions they make. The value of a well organized website includes customer acquisition, credibility and being found via search engines. Therefore, it’s in your best interests to set up a website as soon as possible if you don’t already have one. Here are 6 tips for getting the most value out of your website.

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Business Writing: Why Every Business Owner Should Learn to Do It Well

Business writing is not like any other kind of writing. However, if you want your business to grow and succeed, do yourself a favor and learn well the art of business writing. If you’re reading this article now, you have probably been reading and writing since you were a little kid. As a matter of fact, you might think you already know everything you need to know about writing for business. If that’s what you’re thinking, think again.

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