Social Media

6 Tips to Get the Most Value from Your Quality Website

Any entrepreneur trying to grow their business knows the value of a quality website that can act as a perpetually accessible brochure, helping you to draw in customers around the globe while you sleep. When potential clients or customers are seeking information online, your website plays an integral part in the decisions they make. The value of a well organized website includes customer acquisition, credibility and being found via search engines. Therefore, it’s in your best interests to set up a website as soon as possible if you don’t already have one. Here are 6 tips for getting the most value out of your website.

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successful business

3 Tips for Having a Successful Business in a Competitive Industry

If you’re a business owner, you probably realize the amount of work it takes to have a successful business. This is especially true if you’re in an industry that has a great deal of competition. Take time to find ways to market your business to aid you in getting and keeping clients. There are various ways you can accomplish this goal, and being aware of how to do so is essential.

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How Being Active on Social Media Boosts Customer Appeal

SEO was the big thing back in the day, but social media has taken the spotlight as a serious marketing tool for most brands today. While search is still a major entry venue for most businesses seeking visitors to their sites, social media offers bona fide customer engagement. There are reasons why lots of brands are ramping up their efforts to become more active on social media, and we plan to get into a few of the major ones right now.

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5 Things Social Media Can Teach Managers

You’re on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You post regularly to keep your followers aware of your company, your brand, and your products. You make sure your posts are informative without overselling. You respond to customer feedback, regardless of whether it is positive or negative. Some might say you’re well versed when it comes to the nuances of social media. However, have you ever considered that while you have a great relationship with your social media followers, you’re missing the chance to build great relationships with your team?

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Instagram Video Button

Boost Your Business with an Instagram Video Marketing Strategy

Are you aware that Instagram recently introduced an amazing update that gives you the chance to record or post 60-second videos? This is a drastic increase from its former 15-second videos. In addition, this forward thinking social network is bringing in unique video capabilities like video view counts and slow-motion potentiality, to stage. Instagram has portrayed remarkable growth over the past few years, and this has greatly improved the video content for many brands.

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Once You Have Your Business Plan – Don’t Forget The Advertising!!

Your great ideas and passion are only half the battle in running a successful business. The ability to provide adequate start-up capital is not always the only key to success either. In fact, even with large sums of cash injected into a new venture, a huge number of new startups will still fail within their first year. Why is that? Often times it from failure to plan a procedure and budget for proper advertising.

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