Great Writing In 10 Minutes

If I Had Something to Say
photo credit: re_birf

If you are getting ready to set up your online site for your business, or even if your getting into blogging for the first time in business, i’m sure your wondering how to write great stuff. Everyone wants to be able to write that perfect paragraph without going through 10 drafts and 6 hour’s of time. Some of the tips below that were located on copyblogger recently may be of some interest and help to you.

Remember to take some time away from your writing even if it’s just 10 minutes to do the dishes or go out and check the mail. Give yourself a chance to clear your head for new ideas by taking some time to yourself. Think about what is going through your mind that may be hindering your writing. Maybe even sit down and make a list of those thing’s your thinking about so you can rationalize them and get rid of the doubts.

When people say “you are your own worst critic, they aren’t lying. Let yourself write how you want to write and what you want to write, you can always go back and critique it at a later date if you want.

If you doubt that your idea is good enough, put yourself into the position that your idea is plenty good enough — and then find genuine reasons to support that. You’re fired up about the idea, you have a unique insight or you’ve seen people talking about it so know that people will connect with it, for example.

Any suggestions on becoming a great writer without the time and hassle?

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