Finding Reliable Employees

As any entrepreneur would know, it is not always easy trying to find a person who can do a good job.. That was a lesson that Juliette Brindak soon learned after starting Miss O & Friends as a teenager. Her business launched more than 5 years ago, and it is safe to say that she has come a long way since then.

Part of her problem in the early days of her business was finding the right person to fill the openings she had. According to Reuters, she tired of the impressive resumes and lackluster performance from the people she hired, so she sought advice from her father.

“He has a lot of connections and has hired a bunch of people [to work on Miss O and Friends] who he has worked with in the past,” Brindak says of her father, who serves as the site’s managing partner. “If you have worked with someone in the past, know their skills, their ethics and how they operate, then it makes their transition into a new position within your company that much easier.”

More important, Brindak says, is to hire people who are passionate about your business. Providing new hires with equity incentives can help foster motivation to deliver results.

Miss O and Friends employs up to 20 contractors at any given time, depending on workload. “Bringing on passionate people makes the company more efficient and creates a more positive environment for everyone,” Brindak says.

Photo from marshillonline

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