Obstacles Women In Business Face and Conquer

The rise of women in business has been steady the last couple years, and Fox Business has pinpointed a few areas that many women get caught up on as they make their way up the entrepreneurial ladder.

Not having a plan. Wesman said one of the top issues she experiences with women entrepreneurs is that they lack having a set plan in place because so many women fall into their business accidentally.

Wesman advised all women entrepreneurs to write up a business blue print when starting out that includes a clear description of the product or service, their target audience and how the business will be run on a daily basis. This blueprint should also touch on the specific responsibilities of the business owner and employees, as well as an estimate of what it will cost to run the business in the first year.

Trying to do it all. Many female entrepreneurs try to handle every aspect of the business alone, according to Wesman, and that’s a recipe for failure. It’s important that female entrepreneurs surround themselves with team members that have different strengths and expertise that can help run a successful business.

Taking things too personally. Women often try to build relationships with prospective clients or customers, which can set themselves up for disappointment, Wesman said.

“When they can’t make the sale they take it too personally because it was a relationship they tried to build,” she said. “Instead of stepping back and thinking, ‘what did I learn from that sales experience?’ or ‘how can I use this to improve my next sales experience?’

Photo by Ray_from_LA

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