National Franchise Pizza Fusion Opens On Capitol Hill


Pizza Fusion’s M.O. is that it’s an organic, earth-friendly national franchise. They deliver their pies in hybrid cars, offer gluten-free crust and pour vegan microbrews, and they’re spreading their brand like wildfire with a dozen new stores popping up all over the United States since the company’s founding in 2006. Yes, I said the ‘F’ word. But look a little closer and the Ft. Lauderdale-based chain gets a lot more of our local flavor than you might think.

I was surprised to see that the menu offers scoops of Molly Moon’s ice cream, and a selection of Washington wines and organic beers from the likes of the Elliott Bay Brewing Company in West Seattle. Whenever possible, they say their pizza ingredients are sourced locally as well.

Situated on the ground floor of Capitol Hill condo development Trace Lofts, the place looks, well, like a franchise — branded, modern and somewhat generic. But the bartender was quick to point out to me that there was more there than meets the eye.

The barstool I was sitting on was salvaged from Ballard’s Sunset Bowl. The waiting bench behind me was actually a pew from the First Church of Seattle. And the floorboards came from none other than Garfield High School, he said, so “Jimi Hendrix may have walked on them.”

Logo from Pizza Fusion.

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