Dirty Jobs: The Secret To Success In 2010


With unemployment at levels not seen since the 1930s, many people are turning to franchising to get control of their lives back by starting their own business. And now more than ever, it is essential to make sure that any business you’re contemplating is going to do well in tough times, since they seem to be here to stay–at least for the foreseeable future.

Quite often, the secret to finding a fantastic recession-proof niche is to focus on the “dirty jobs” that people usually don’t even consider when researching business ideas. Such service businesses are especially strong if a person is highly unlikely to do the job for themselves even when times are tough. Often these industry segments are marked by high margins, strong and consistent demand and minimal competition–a sure recipe for success in any business climate.

Best of all, many of these businesses are what we call “executive franchises.” Even though they may go to market with dirty or disgusting jobs, it’s not the franchise owner that will be providing the service. The franchisee hires people to do the actual work and typically focuses on the marketing side of the business instead of jumping in the trenches. This post continues here.

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