I have seen so much interest and gotten so much mail about how to decorate or redecorate our homes to accommodate working from home that I’m talking about home offices today. But, I think you’ll be surprised. Home offices are not what they used to be. Today it’s all in the attitude.
It seems that more and more of us have found a way to stay at home and be just as effective as we would be in the office. There are mixed reviews on working at home, however; some say they would be entirely too distracted to actually accomplish anything at home and others say they would love the opportunity.
I fall into the latter category. Having worked in a home office for many years, I’m a big fan. Even though the office never “closes,” the flexibility and convenience are great. And what if you do throw the clothes in the washer or turn on the dishwasher — that takes five minutes and since the office doesn’t really close, you spend much more time working than not. Chances are you’re checking e-mail at all hours and, if you can’t sleep, you can always go to the office.
If you don’t need all of that space, where do you work? The simple answer: just about anywhere you want to. Laptops will fit, well, on your lap, or on any available surface. Printers are also so small that they fit in brief cases; so, when you need to print, bring it out and then put it away when finished.
In reality, unless you feel the need to lock yourself in a room while you work or feel inadequate if you don’t have the big corner office desk, working at home has gotten a lot easier and more attractive.
Photo by faster panda kill kill.