Market for the Economy

Landscape - Green  View
photo credit: Olof S

Consumers’ conversations have changed. What’s important to them has changed. The stories of their lives have changed and it seems like no one is paying attention. For example: If consumers are talking about eating out less often, then having “fun” at Applebee’s doesn’t seem like it fits (especially if mom or dad just got laid off). To be successful right now, we need to start paying attention to what consumers are talking about and where they are spending their money.

A recent study showed that nearly half of all consumers preferred to purchase “green” products. It’s time to jump on the band wagon of providing “green” products and services if you haven’t already.

Create and start telling your story. Consumers decide to purchase products based on their knowledge of you, your company, your employees, the products and services and their reputation for how well they work. So get to telling your compelling, heart warming, informational sappy story of how you came to this business.

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