Entrepreneur Empowers Homeowners

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Luke Fishback is a young entrepreneur with a good idea about energy conservation. It’s cheap, easy to do and saves money on electricity use.

Hoping to tap into the growing environmental conservation movement, Fishback founded a company to install electric meters in kitchens and set up Web links so that residents can see, at any given time, how much power they are using.

His company, VisibleEnergy, is now in its infancy. His early goal was to have 100 households signed up for a pilot project, but until he completes a research and development phase, he is keeping the number to about 10. It will test out his theory that informed energy users are smarter consumers.

“When you know how much energy you are using, it prompts behavior changes. When you know just how much it costs, you are more likely to turn off a light when you leave the room,” Fishback said.

Photo by VisibleEnergy.

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