Write to Sell Your Business

Donald Keene at his Tokyo home
photo credit: ionushi

Every since business was around, all business owners have had one big thing in common with each other…selling their product or service! You dont sell it, you don’t profit from it. So one may ask what is the best and easiest way to sell their product or service. That part is easy, it’s the words, what you write regarding your product or service is what will eventually sell it to your customer base.

There was a recent article that i read on Small Biz Survival that went into depth on writing to sell your business. Before you go to the writing board, remember to get the required demographics and ratings on your customer. Know who they are such as their age, interests, where they live, if they have kids or animals that may pertain to your product or service.

When getting to the writing, be passionate about what your writing but cut the “selling” part to a minimum, no one wants to feel like they are actually being sold a product or service. They want to believe it was their choice to buy it and only their choice based on what they read.

Appeal to all their senses. By engaging a customer’s senses, you create a fruitcake description that a customer can literally taste and see. Bite sized portions, smothered in creamy milk chocolate and loaded with cherries…provide a mouth-watering description to let the customer experience the product as if they were in your bakery.

How has your writing helped your business?

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